Absorption av utåtgående strålning 2014-10-21


Först ett strålningsdiagram, Brun färg utåtgående infraröd strålning. Från 5 – 40 mikrometer.



Den mesta strålningen omkring 10 mikrometer stoppas inte till någon större del.


Haven har en stor betydelse för jordens klimat. Se länken. http://oceanworld.tamu.edu/resources/oceanography-book/oceansandclimate.htm


Det sägs “Most of the sunlight absorbed by earth is absorbed at the top of the tropical ocean. The atmosphere does not absorb much sunlight. It is too transparent. Think of a cold, sunny, winter day at your school. All day long, the sun shines on the outside, but the air stays cold. But if you wear a black coat outside and stand out of the wind, the sun will quickly warm up your coat. Sunlight passes through the air and warms the surface of the ocean, just as it warms the surface of your coat. Most of the ocean is a deep navy blue, almost black. It absorbs 98% of the solar radiation when the sun is high in the sky.”


Vidare sägs det “The tropics are warm because they receive so much sunlight. The poles are cold because they receive much less sunlight, and because the polar atmosphere is transparent to infrared radiation. They radiate away much more heat than they receive from the sun.”


“The polar atmosphere is transparent to infrared radiation. They radiate away much more heat than they receive from the sun”  Växthuseffekten är dålig i polarområden.


En viktig slutsats är att växthuseffekten är störst I tropikerna.




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