Grönland lite grönt även idag 2014-11-06

Om denna dal sägs det i ”Qinngua Valley (synonim - Paradise valley) is located in spectacular land - in the rugged mountains of Southern Greenland. Sometimes this land is compared to Alps, but, it seems, no other place is similar to these spectacular mountains.”


“Qinngua might have the mildest climate - this valley is located some 45 - 50 km from the sea and is not orientated towards the glaciers. Thus the cold wind from the enormous central glaciers here is felt much less than elsewhere. Summers here are warmer and climate is more stable than at the sea. Thus the warm weather here lasts long enough for plants to grow in the summer and winds - less strong, allowing for trees to grow up.”


“In some places in southern Greenland forests are planted - and even harvested.


Qinngua forest nevertheless is the only true forest in Greenland. It is possible that in earlier times, before the coming of Norse people, forest was growing in some more places, which were converted to pasture and lost the natural forest. The few species of trees in Greenland are sensitive to sheep grazing.” Det finns sammanlagt 300 arter av växter här. De träd som finns här är björk och säjl och en lågväxande släkting till rönnbär.





På medeltiden fanns det säkert fler skogar här då vikingarna koloniserade Grönland.




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