Våra kära domedagsprofeter 2012-04-27


Varför ska då så många människor dö ut? Den globala uppvärmningen kommer att bli så svår säger han. I en liten sammanfattning av boken ”The revenge of Gaia” sägs det

In Lovelock's forecast, he envisions, at the end of this century, the last few humans would be forced to rebuild the remnants of our civilization in the Arctic. It won't be as cold up there by then, as you might think. He told us, "Within 25 years, most of the global ice in the Arctic will be gone. You will be able to take a sailboat to the North Pole." How long before we begin to feel these changes? "In my own modeling, I rather think it is an unknown number of years," Lovelock explained. "It may be five years or it may be 30 years." He offered a visual, "Think of it as a rope or a string. Global warming may run up in a straight line or a curve lying a bit loose as the IPCC seems to project."



Men han har en del andra idéer också:

So, we asked this leading environmental scientist what was really wrong with today's environmental movement. Bitterness entered his voice when Lovelock answered, "It's mostly made up of urban people, who know almost nothing about the countryside and still less about the ecosystem." He scoffed, "Their solutions are basically urban-political solutions. They continue to insist on wanting to run their cars on bio fuels. This is one of the maddest ideas of the lot."

Varifrån ska vi då få energin?


Does he believe environmentalists are wrecking the environment? "I'm afraid I do," he glumly responded. Because we know there remain several environmental groups who refuse to embrace nuclear energy as a much-needed solution to the planet's energy mix, we asked what he would like to say about them. "They are being very foolish," he quickly shot back. After a pause, he added, "They are living in a dream world." Like the father figure he is, Lovelock is disappointed but tries to remain buoyant. He wrote in his recent book, "My feelings about modern environmentalism are more parallel with those that might pass through the mind of a head-mistress of an inner-city school or the colonel of a newly formed regiment of licentious, and naturally disobedient young men: how the hell can these unruly charges be disciplined and made effective?……. There is no sensible alternative to nuclear power if we are to sustain civilization."


Med andra ord om vi tycker att ska vi pressa ut all energin från naturen, förnyelsebart, så kommer vi att förstöra ekosystemen.

Lovelock sees little value in the immediate future for either solar or wind energy programs, and has harsh words for them, writing, "It will fail and bring discredit both to the greens and to the politicians foolish enough to adopt renewables as a major source of energy before they have been properly developed." He believes their renewable energy solutions might only hasten our civilization's demise (undergång)


Hämtat från:  http://www.newageinfo.com/revenge-gaia-lovelock.htm


Vad säger han då idag?


Han har nu förstått att det han skrev om framtiden var stora överdrifter: “The problem is we don’t know what the climate is doing. We thought we knew 20 years ago. That led to some alarmist books – mine included – because it looked clear-cut, but it hasn’t happened,” We were supposed to be halfway toward a frying world now,” he said.

Bra när domedagsprofeter erkänner sina fel. Det är inte alla profeter som gör det.

Han kallar även Al Gores film “En Obekväm Sanning” för en alarmistisk framtidsförutsägelse. Tänk vad denna film har fått lov att skrämma våra barn i skolorna.

Jag undrar när det är dags för Al Gore att erkänna sina överdrifter. En sak är säker. Han har tjänat mycket pengar på sin domedagspredikan. Detta gör det svårare för honom än för Lovelock.

Jag tycker att alla skolor ska sluta med att visa Al Gores film

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